• Intelligent Drainage

    Based on advanced sensor technology, Internet of Things technology, cloud computing technology, mobile Internet technology, intelligent drainage can meet the requirements of long-term operation law monitoring of drainage network and precise warning & prediction of waterlogging, monitor river water level, pump station and gate, and achieve integrated management of urban drainage network and river channel. Combining with pipe network water level and flow rate data, realize acquisition of flow data, so as to carry out drainage operation timely and effectively.

  • Intelligent Water Source Management

    Through collection, transmission, analysis and application of video, water quality, water and rainfall information, remote sensing and other data collected by the front end, integrate comprehensively advanced technology and process control system, such as water source supervision, distribution and comprehensive management, realize the standardization, informatization, precision, intelligentization and modern management of drinking water source, and ensure the safety of drinking water source, to achieve the transition from traditional management of water source to command management.

    Automation of Measurement and Control: intelligent video monitoring, automatic water quality station, unmanned water quality monitoring ship, regional sewage treatment monitoring system, remote sensing monitoring such as UAV, satellite, etc.

    Modularity of Business: turn law enforcement module, water quality monitoring module, emergency command module, video monitoring module, warning & prediction module and big data analysis module, into a unified business platform system.

    Scientization of management: guided by advanced water source management principle and goal, based on academic research results of water ecology, water environment, and water power, supported by advanced water source control technology, achieve scientific management.

    Professionalization of Service: with professional operation and maintenance system construction, team building, system construction, achieve high-efficiency active service. 

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